About Us

Welcome to WhoOwnsThis.com, the premier online resource dedicated to unraveling the often complex web of corporate ownership. Our mission is simple yet crucial: to provide clear, accurate, and accessible information about who owns various brands and companies across the globe. In a world where corporate structures are increasingly intricate and obscured, we stand as a beacon of transparency and understanding.

Our Story

WhoOwnsThis.com was born out of a simple question: “Who really owns the brands we interact with every day?” This query, though straightforward, revealed a labyrinth of connections and ownerships that was not readily apparent to the average consumer. Recognizing the importance of this information in making informed decisions, we embarked on a journey to demystify corporate ownership.

What We Do

At WhoOwnsThis.com, we do the heavy lifting to bring you the stories behind the brands. Whether it’s a popular tech giant, a trendy fashion label, or a household food brand, we delve deep to uncover the layers of ownership and control. Our research team works tirelessly to ensure that the information we provide is:

  1. Accurate: We cross-verify our data from multiple reliable sources.
  2. Up-to-Date: The corporate world is ever-changing, and we stay on top of these changes.
  3. Understandable: We break down complex corporate structures into easy-to-understand information.
  4. Comprehensive: From major conglomerates to niche brands, we cover a broad spectrum of companies.

Our Values

Transparency: We believe in the power of information and the right of consumers to know who is behind the products and services they use.

Integrity: Our commitment to unbiased and factual reporting is unwavering.

Accessibility: We strive to make our content understandable and accessible to everyone, regardless of their background in business or finance.

Innovation: We continually seek new ways to present our findings in more engaging and informative ways.

For Our Users

Whether you are a consumer, investor, student, or just a curious individual, WhoOwnsThis.com is your go-to source for corporate ownership information. We empower you with knowledge, aiding in more informed decision-making in your purchases, investments, and discussions.

Join Our Community

Stay connected with us for the latest updates and discoveries in the world of corporate ownership. Follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, and be part of a community that values transparency and informed choice.

Thank you for visiting WhoOwnsThis.com. Together, let’s uncover the stories behind the brands.

Contact Us: For inquiries or suggestions, please contact us at contact@whoownsthis.com.